Friday, October 11, 2019

October Quarterly

October 16
New location for this meeting:
     Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
     1530 Foulk Rd
     Wilmington, DE 19803

Program topic: Pat Olski will talk about Swedish Ethnic Embroidery

Monday, July 15, 2019

July Quarterly

Our July Quarterly meeting will be Wednesday, July 17, at Kendal at Longwood.

Following the business meeting at 10 am, we will offer four different ways to embellish and finish small ornaments, including twisted cord, nun stitch finishing, crazy quilt and embroidery embellisment,  Bring your standard stitching supplies, and small piece of background fabric  if you're interested in crazy quilt.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

There's a twist to our chapter's summer picnic this year. It will be a stitch-n-chat party.

On Tuesday, June 11, Thomas S-G will once again open his beautiful home to us.

Doors will open at 10 am, for those who would like to come and stitch for a bit. If you don't want to stitch that day, that's fine, come at noon for the party! Tom will keep his home open until 5 pm for those who would like to get a little more stitching done in the afternoon.

Let Tom know what food or drink you can bring to the event. You can also email information to

See you there!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

April Quarterly, April 10

April 10, 10 am, Hawkes Center, Winterthur Museum

Following our 10 am business meeting, we will have a special guided tour of Winterthur's new exhibit "Costuming The Crown."

Our members' sales table will be available after the tour.

Bring your finished items for Show and Tell, and your sales items.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lettering Class

Thanks to Canby Robertson for offering her lettering class to us.

We know how to letter on evenweave using charted alphabets. Canby showed us how to add lettering to any embroidery project on any fabric.