About Us

Purpose: Our guild is a non-profit organization open to everyone. Our purpose is to set and maintain high standards of design, color, and workmanship in all types of needlework. We hope to promote creativity and stimulate the exchange of ideas. We welcome beginners and hope they will learn and grow in their interest and skills through our workshops, classes, and lectures. We think you will find we are a friendly, happy group and hope you will find lots of things in our programs that you'll enjoy and have fun trying! We are located in the Wilmington, DE, area.

Membership: Annual dues are $65.00 and include national, regional and chapter membership. All members receive a subscription to our bi-monthly chapter newsletter "Brandywine Current" and a subscription to the National Quarterly Magazine "Needle Arts". Anyone who belongs to another EGA chapter is welcome to join as a plural member.

Meetings: Our Chapter has four general meetings each year. These are for the entire membership, and guests are most welcome. Business is conducted at these meetings and a special program, sometimes with out-of-town teachers, is the main feature.
The meetings are held (usually) on:

3rd Wednesday in January
3rd Wednesday in April
3rd Wednesday in July
3rd Wednesday in October

During the Covid-19 shutdowns we have also started monthly Zoom presentations of stitching interest. Dates vary, please check the calendar for more information, or egabrandywine@gmail.com

Get Togethers: During the Covid-19 shutdowns we have been hold Zoom stitch-n-chats, twice a month. They are generally on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of the month, but please check the calendar for details.

Please contact us (email:  egabrandywine@gmail.com) if you are interested in becoming a member of our chapter or if you have any membership questions. 
For information on the national organization, you can visit the website of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc.