So, so sorry for not updating earlier in the week! Life intervened.
1. Assorted skeins of Anchor floss - $1
2. DMC floss on winders
3. At least 50 skeins of DMC - $1
4. Two thread rolls - $3
5. Assorted coton perle
6. Metallic threads - $8
7. Synthetic threads - $8
8. Mostly Flair cards of threads - $8
9. Natural threads - $3
10 Leftover threads from a project
11 Synthetics
12 All silk thread - $8
13 Variegated cotton threads - $3
14 Assorted metallic threads - $4.10
15 24 skeins Anchor thread - $1
16 Ring of DMC flosses - $1
17 4 Sarah Bennett Specialties - $.50
18 Crewel Embroidery threads - $3
19 Machine embroidery thread - $10
20 Metal ring with empty floss holders - $.50
21 Silk Ribbons projects
22 Silk Rivvong Embroidery FUSCHSIAS
23 Three Silks
24 Nine skeins of silk ribbon
25 Silk Ribbon
26 Assorted pieces of silk ribbon - $1
27 Collection of 16 Silk Ribbon Design flyers
28 Scart and handbag
29 Partially-knit sweater
30 Better sweaters - $5
31 Knitter's Companion - $5
32 Dyed silk fiber - $1
33 The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches - $5
34 Designer's Dream - $2
35 Silk Batting - $9.42